At The Last Meeting:
The County Christmas Party will be 12/17 at Johnson’s starting at 6:30. It is a pot luck with a canned-good or stuffed animal donation.
There will be no radar runs on Lazy Lake, this season. Insurance denied coverage due to COVID.
The route in to the north end of Portage is a road route only, riders must stay OFF of the meridians or we will lose that trail.
Thank you to everyone who helped with and attended the grass drags. It was a fun and successful day.
GPS may be required on the groomers this year.
Donnie Davis will work on clearing some of the down trees on our trail. Individual trail bosses will begin work on their trail sections as they become available. If you are interested in helping, you can contact a trail boss or reply to this email.
Gary Schoppenhorst and Jeff Simonson will be working on the culverts that need to be put in before the riding season begins.
Our next meeting is 12/7 at 7:30 at Rendezvous’ in Portage. They are normally closed Mondays, but will be opening at 7pm for our meeting. They will have the fryers going as well as pizzas available for anyone interested.
See you there!
Published: November 24th, 2020