Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
Ccasc Oct Newsletter
County Association of Snowmobile Clubs
Meeting minutes for October 25, 2007

Harlan called the meeting to order on October 25, 2007 at Crestwood Inn, Portage.
Clubs Present: Arlington, Cambria, Columbus Fall River, Doylestown, Randolph, Rocky Run, Winnebago, Yellow Thunder
Clubs absent: Camper Country, New Haven

MMS&C to approve the secretary’s report from September 27, 2007

MMS&C to approve the treasurer’s report stating a balance of $10933.09 as of 10-25-07

Deb Levey gave a brief report-
No new director’s information to update us about
Workshop weekend is this weekend, 10-26,27,28-07

Al Kaltenberg is still missing the landowners list for the county trails from most clubs.

Old Business-

The grass drags food sales made the CCASC approximately $617.08 and we sold $58 in FARTS t-shirts
MMS&C to pay the $200 for the tent rental at the grass drags as decided last meeting
John collected map ad info after the meeting and stated all ads have to be in by 10-31-07
MMS&C CCASC will donate 4 FARTS t-shirts to the silent auction at workshop for the scholarship fund
No CCASC snow queen volunteered this year
See Harley to get county raffle tickets to sell
Get Greg any info changes on contacts for club person who opens or closes your trails

New Business-

MMS&C to have the CCASC provide the funding for the Christmas party and donate $500 to 2 charities to be determined at the November meeting as well as the activities for the party
Harley asked about any new or existing problems on the trails
Greg stressed the need to get the youth involved in snowmobiling
Lodi area snowmobile class will be sometime around the first week in December, check the DNR website to get a listing of all classes in the area

Current events-

Workshop weekend 10-26,27,28-07
Winnebago Ridge Runners grass drags 10-27-07, rain date 10-28-07

MMS&C to adjourn at 8:38pm

Respectfully submitted
Gary Schoppenhorst, Secretary CCASC

Published: October 25th, 2007
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Copyright 2007 Winnebago Ridgerunners Snowmobile Club | Graphics Provided by: Marshland Graphics Design, LLC W3046 County Road Y, Lomira, WI 53048