Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
Ccasc January Newsletter
Columbia County Association of Snowmobile Clubs
Meeting minutes for January 24, 2008

Mike Levey called the meeting to order on January 24, 2008 at Pauquette Pines in Poynette.
Clubs Present: Arlington, Cambria, Columbus Fall River, Doylestown, Randolph, Rocky Run, Winnebago, Yellow Thunder
Clubs absent: New Haven, Camper Country
MMS&C to approve the secretary’s report from December 20, 2007
MMS&C to approve the treasurer’s report stating a balance of $10442.00 as of 1-24-08
Deb Levey gave the directors report, some of the highlights include:
Deb distributed several handouts including posters to be put up at our pit stops with AWSC info
Grooming a clubs own trails is not commercial grooming, be sure you are not paying insurance for this
Out of state passes are set to increase from $18 to $34, ATV’s are already at $35
The directors voted not to support AB660 for a one time registration for sleds 30 years old or older as this would cost the snowmobile assoc. $200,000 in fees
Each county is asked to have a youth representative who is 14-19 years old, has a club/family membership, a safety certificate, able to attend workshop and convention and promote snowmobiling
Each club should encourage/bring their youth to the next CCASC meeting
Al Kaltenberg: Nothing for now
Old Business:
MMS&C to approve 2 scholarships, $250 each, one for a graduating high school senior and one for a student having completed at least 2 semesters of college with criteria as set forth by the committee
The coaster PR ideas is nixed as it is cost prohibitive
New Business:
MMS&C to elect Steve Pate as Columbia county representative
MMS&C to elect Deb Levey as Columbia county director
MMS&C to reimburse the director $500 for incurred costs as done before
All clubs are encourage to put out fund raiser jugs to help in map/grooming costs
Upcoming events:
Yellow Thunder fundraiser dinner and dance is 2-9-08, tickets available see Gary Tupper
Doylestown’s pancake breakfast is 1-27-08 at the Casino restaurant, 8:30-12:30
Rocky Run’s pancake breakfast is 2-10-08 at the Pardeeville high school, 7:30-1:00

Raffle drawing results as follows: (30 tickets unsold)
$1000-Eric Hamele $25-Henry Conklin $15-John Thompson
$100-Craig Lechner $25-Al Kaltenberg $15-Dale Pomplin
$50-Harlan Woodward $25-Gary Hoffman $15-Diane Ashley
$50-Mike Sharpee $25-Gloria Wylesky $10-Ross Andres
$50-Steve Smith $15-Ruth Tupper $10-Sue Mootz
$50-Laura Culver $15-Ruby Ritchie

Published: January 28th, 2008
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Copyright 2007 Winnebago Ridgerunners Snowmobile Club | Graphics Provided by: Marshland Graphics Design, LLC W3046 County Road Y, Lomira, WI 53048