Harley called the meeting to order on February 28, 2008 at the Edgewater in Cambria.
Clubs Present: Arlington, Cambria, Columbus Fall River, Doylestown, Randolph, Rocky Run, Winnebago, Yellow Thunder
Clubs absent: New Haven, Camper Country
MMS&C to approve the secretary’s report from January 24, 2008
MMS&C to approve the treasurer’s report stating a balance of $10848.53 as of 2-28-08
Deb Levey gave the directors report, some of the highlights include:
User fee bill progressing along to raise out of state trail fee to $35
Al Kaltenberg:
The counties emergency response list needs updating now and annually
New trail applications should be submitted now
Old Business:
All clubs not sending a delegate to the convention should authorize Deb Levey to vote for them
Club contacts needed for notification when trails are plowed in by the county plows
2 sets of scholarship apps were handed out for each club
MMS&C to authorize a new printing of county maps with revisions, need changes ASAP
A thank you letter was received from Best Friends of South Central Wis. for our donation
New Business:
MMS&C to elect Trevor Levey as our county youth rep., Thanks Trevor
MMS&C for the county to provide the beverages for the March meeting, Jennifer will get them
Make sure all railroad crossings are clear of ice and snow on top of the rails
Need volunteers for county officer positions for next month
Steve Pate, our county rep., announced he will be running for the 47th Ass. Dist.
Maintenance packets will be due 6-1-08
Upcoming events:
Arlington Club trailside cookout on 3-1-08 from 11am to 3pm, free pop, hot dogs and chili, 3 miles west of Arlington on Corridor 34
Arlington club dance on 4-5-08 at Hookers
Rocky Run poker run now through 3-29-08
Johnson Sales hosting Yamafest at Cascade Mountain hillcross races March 29 & 30
MMS&C to adjourn at 9:05pm
Respectfully submitted
Gary Schoppenhorst, Secretary CCASC
Published: March 2nd, 2008