Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
Ccasc August Newsletter

Columbia County Association of Snowmobile Clubs

Meeting minutes for August 23, 2008

John Falter called the meeting to order on August 23, 2008 at his home in Deforest.

Clubs Present: Arlington, Cambria, Columbus Fall River, Rocky Run, Winnebago, Yellow Thunder

Clubs absent: New Haven, Camper Country, Doylestown, Randolph

MMS&C to approve the secretary’s report from March 27, 2008

MMS&C to approve the treasurer’s report stating a balance of $10717.09 as of 7-31-08

Trevor Levey-our county youth rep-would like to start a county wide youth group for rides and activities. Each club please provide a head count of youth and interest in participating.

Josh Corlett-was present to accept the CCASC high school scholarship for $250

Donna White-gave Deb’s report which included a handout covering various topics. The out of state user fee did pass the legislature and will be in effect this year. Upcoming convention and our participation were discussed. Mike & Deb Levey and Gary & Ruth Tupper will head up the poker run bus committee.

Al Kaltenberg-all clubs received their checks; the county did not qualify for supplemental funds. Need accurate documentation of grooming, trail maintenance, putting in and taking out of the trail as well as all paperwork properly filled out. All groomers must have an hour meter! Clubs can put in for gas tax reimbursement for grooming gas. Packets were handed out for club contacts and grooming contracts.

Old Business: MMS&C to have Donna renew the pull tab license. MMS&C for Al to renew the raffle license

New Business: Greg Johnson handed out a club contact sheet to be filled out and returned. Miss Snowflake contestant Mallory Storey from Yellow Thunder club was also present and gave a brief hello. Anyone else interested needs to come forward ASAP. Map ads should be in by the Sept. meeting. The county raffle drawing for this year will be on March 28, 2009 at convention.

Upcoming: This year’s meetings are as follows-

September 25, 2008 at Kelly’s Bar in Randolph

October 23, 2008 at Becks on the Water on Lake Wi.

November 20, 2008 at Crestwood in Portage

December 18, 2008 at Rainbow Inn in Otsego (Christmas Party)

January 22, 2009 at Edgewater in Cambria

February 26, 2009 at Northern Edge in Lodi

March 26, 2009 at Johnson Sales in Arlington

MMS&C to adjourn at 5:55 pm

Respectfully submitted-Gary Schoppenhorst, Secretary CCASC

Published: August 27th, 2008
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