Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
Ccasc January Newsletter
Columbia County Association of Snowmobile Clubs

Meeting minutes for January 22, 2009

John Falter called the meeting to order at 7:38, pm

Clubs Present: Arlington, Cambria, Columbus Fall River, Doylestown, Rocky Run, Winnebago, Yellow Thunder, Camper Country

Clubs absent: Randolph and New Haven and their club dues are still due

MMS&C to approve the secretary’s report from December 18, 2008

MMS&C to approve the treasurer’s report stating a balance of $8544.41 as of 1-22-09

Debs report: We are looking to get as many people as possible to Madison by 10:00am on 3-26-09 possibly taking a bus from Johnson Sales returning for the county meeting that night but we need a head count asap. Deb handed out a page of highlights from the Directors meeting discussing several topics.

Al’s report: Groomers need to be careful not to drag snow out onto the roadways causing dangerous road hazards.

Old Business: Naming of the snowmobile park is tabled until February. We received 2 thank you letters from Rio/Wyocena and Portage food pantries for our donation in December. County clubs should be offered a pack of county raffle tickets to purchase. Deb talked about the upcoming convention in March and the need to have volunteers sign up to help at the hospitality room and bus poker runs. Clubs are encouraged to sign up for activities to be held at each location of the bus run which will run all afternoon, 12:30 to 4:30. We also need donations for door prizes and raffles to be held on the poker runs and in the hospitality room. She gave out a handout with all the information of the bus runs on it. MMS&C to allow the Convention Comm. To purchase needed supplies and be reimbursed. CCASC scholarship apps. are due by 3-31-09.

New Business: MMS&C to purchase raffle tickets from Lake States Resource Alliance for $100.00

Youth: Trevor Levey is organizing a youth trail ride on 1-31-09 starting from his house going to the Green Frog. Contact Trevor at 920-348-5029 for info or reservations.

Upcoming: Doylestown club is having a pancake breakfast 8:30-12:30 on 1-25-09 at the Casino rest.

Yellow Thunder’s $50 raffle & diner in 2-7-09

Columbus/Fall River’s Grand opening of the Hermann Snowmobile Bridge is having a trailside

hot dog and soup dump on 2-1-09 on trail 60, 10 miles east of North Leeds. Contact 920-992-3485 for info.

Randolph Trail Busters is having a Pancake Breakfast 9:00 to 1:00 on 2-1-09 at the Green Frog

between Doylestown and Fall River.

Camper Country is having a dice run 10:00am to 5:00pm 2-14-09 from various bars in Rio/

Otsego/Cambria/Fall River all stops have sign up sheets.

Rocky Run will have a trailside wiener roast pit stop on 2-7-09 on corridor 15 and a Pancake

Breakfast on 2-8-09 at the Pardeeville high school.

MMS&C to adjourn at 9:03

Respectfully submitted-Gary Schoppenhorst, Secretary CCASC

P.S.: Please know that the minutes as typed here are a brief overview of the meeting and each club rep. needs to bring their club the complete information handed out and shared at the meetings. All club members are encouraged to attend the county meetings as well.

Published: January 22nd, 2009
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