Club Grass Drags
This year’s Club Grass Drags will be held at the Seiler Farm on October 24th. Racing begins at noon and runs till 5:00. Set up starts at 9:00am. No ATVs. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. Current club membership is required to run. Admission is free.
Annual Nut Fund Raiser
The Annual Club Nut Fund Raiser has started. Order forms and money are due to Sue Mootz on October 23rd or at the Club grass drags (see below). Orders will be available for pick up at the Mootz residence the evening of November 13th. Please contact Sue Mootz @ 608-697-2670 if you’re interested in participating in the fund raiser.
This and That
The club is looking for volunteers to sign the Pardeeville trail. Please contact the club President if you are interested. If anyone has pictures they would like posted on our website, please send them to Peter Christianson. If you would like the newsletter emailed to you, please contact Peter Christianson @
Club Memberships
Please send your renewal fee of $20.00 per family to Steve Pate at N6838 Boyd Rd Pardeeville, WI 53954.
Calendar of Events
Columbia County meeting @ The Dump in Cambria September 24th @ 7:30
Winnebago Ridge Runners meeting - the Wheel October 5th @ 7:30
Club Grass Drags – Seiler Farm October 24th @ Noon
President Cory Miller 742-0414
Vice President Neil Wendt 742-5440
Secretary Peter Christianson 850-4837
Treasurer Steve Pate 742-6352
Published: September 20th, 2009