Columbia County Association of Snowmobile Clubs
Meeting minutes for September meeting, 9-24-09
John Falter called the meeting to order at 7:34pm.
Clubs Present: Arlington, Cambria, Columbus Fall River, Rocky Run, Winnebago, Yellow Thunder, Camper Country, Doylestown
Clubs absent: Randolph and New Haven
No secretary’s report from August as a quorum was not present
MMS&C to approve the treasurer’s report stating a balance of $6364.21 as of 9-24-09
Debs report: Mike stood in for Deb and handed out info to clubs absent last month
Donna also handed info to clubs absent last month and urges all clubs to fill out the charity survey that was handed out. The youth are sponsoring a food and clothing drive at the fall AWSC workshop which is 10-23,24,25-09. All clubs are encouraged to contribute. Donna covered a variety of topics as well.
Al’s report: Maintenance packets have been handed out. County contacts need to be handed in at the October meeting. One person per club must attend a meeting for trail expenses at the end of the year. All groomers need to have a working hour meter on them. We need a new emergency contact list for this season with 4 to 5 people from each club.
Youth: As reported by Donna. Trevor Levey was honored as youth of the year for Wisconsin by AWSC.
Old Business: MMS&C to elect the Cambria club collectively to the secretary’s position. Map ads are due back at the October county meeting, $75/2 years with 12,000 maps printed the first year. Sell to anyone you can. Trail changes due back by November meeting. MMS&C to pay for registration and one nights lodging for Col. Cty. Miss Snowflake Tracy Brozek. MMS&C to approve audit of checkbook by Kim Johnson and Judy Falter. Clubs are encouraged to make a contribution to the county youth program.
Future meetings: October 22 at Pizza Pit in Lodi, November 19 at Club 23 between Briggsville and Wis. Dells, December 17 at Dorothy’s Rainbow in Otsego, January 28 at Crestwood, February 25 at Kelly’s on 73 outside of Randolph, March 25 at Johnson Sales all of these at 7:30pm.
New Business: Make sure to get e-mail changes or updates in as all county minutes will be electronic from now on. Christmas party committee will arrange things and report back. Clubs should get local contact info from high schools back to the scholarship committee.
Club News and Events: Arlington Fall Fling is 10-23-09 (Friday). See members for tickets.
MMS&C to adjourn at 9:11
Respectfully submitted-Gary Schoppenhorst, not the secretary for CCASC
Published: September 24th, 2009