Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
Ccasc Minutes November

The meeting was called to order by President John Falter.

Roll Call was answered by sixteen delegates representing Arlington, Cambria, Camper Country, Columbus/Fall River, New Haven, Randolph, Rocky Run, Winnebago, and Yellow Thunder. Doylestown = absent. There were twelve other club members present, including County Queen Tracy Brozek and Youth Rep Trevor Levey.

Minutes of the October 23, 2009, meeting were approved as sent out by acting secretary Gary.

Treasurer’s report was approved with a current checkbook balance of $12,039.74 noting that approximately $5,000 of this balance is for trail map ads.

AWSC report given by Director Deb Levey included a big “Thank You” to everyone for contacting legislators regarding support of LRB 3172 (update = SB 406). Senators Miller & Olsen along with Representative Ripp have signed on to co-sponsor this vital snowmobile legislation package. SB215 (groomer tax exemption) made it through the Senate but did not get to the Assembly floor prior to adjournment until January. Workshop was noted to be an informative and good time event with nearly 700 attending. Thanks to those who donated to the Scholarship Auction; raised over $3,000. Copies of the minutes of the Directors’ meeting were distributed. Comments solicited by those attending regarding the change in crowning of Miss Snowflake at the banquet when it had previously been held at the dance = limited attendees when held at the banquet, no reason to attend the dance, the banquet is when awards are presented and the crown is an award, quieter and more formal at the banquet, if kept at the banquet, girls must be present in their formal attire and be introduced at the dance.

Youth Rep Trevor Levey reported he enjoyed Workshop and thanked everyone for their support in his being named as “Young Snowmobiler of the Year.” The contributions of food and clothing were greatly appreciated and have been donated to our county’s only homeless shelter in Portage. River Haven is in need of items from food, clothing, bedding, towels, laundry supplies, to money, volunteers, etc. Johnson Sales will be holding their Open House on November 27th & 28th and will be donating to our Youth Fund for their help in serving refreshments from 9-5 on Friday and 9-12 on Saturday. Help is still need for Friday. If you (adults welcome) or any young members from your club can help out 9-1 or 1-5 on Friday, the 28th, please contact Trevor at 920 348-5029 or cell 920 763-4225.

Tracy Brozek, our 2009 County Queen from Columbus-Fall River Club further commented on Workshop explaining her day as a Miss Snowflake contestant and urging more girls to get involved as this year the number of participants was way down. Clarissa Justman from Dodge County is the new Miss Snowflake, a very outgoing, talkative young lady, willing to attend your event to promote safe snowmobiling. Her new email is Tracy thanked everyone for allowing her to represent Columbia County and she too is available to attend your events.

County Liaison Al Kaltenberg reported that all county contracts are in and he reminded everyone to watch their expenses; money is very tight. With over two million short to fund projects this past season, auditing will be very thorough and there may have to be cuts in the funding level.

Old Business

County Trail closures due to hunting seasons were discussed and notices will be sent to neighboring counties along with posting throughout our county. Remind everyone to check the hotline for up to date information.

AWSC Scholarship deadline is January 25th, applications for graduating seniors are on the AWSC website or available by calling the office. There is $3,500 in scholarships available this year.

County Scholarship(s) deadline will be March 31st and applications are available from Al.

Map ads should be in and final checkups on non-renewals will be completed by Friday. Have had great response even with the down economy and will be printing 12,000 maps for the upcoming season. Websites for those clubs that have will be listed on the maps. Arlington has a new 3-mile trail from Poynette (CTH CS) out to Interstate that takes in 3 new trail map sponsors; BP truck stop. McDonalds and Subway.

Christmas Party will be December 17th following our regular meeting at Dorothy’s Rainbow on Hwy 16 East of Rio. Lunch will be provided at the same price as last year ($300). Roulette wheel will be spinning with ½ proceeds to winner and other ½ to a local charity to be determined. River Haven was suggested. Everyone should bring a non-perishable item that can donated to county food pantries; those to be determined also when amount collected. Last year’s donations were distributed to Columbus/Fall River, Portage, Rio and Wyocena.

Hopefully at the next meeting Steve will provide an update on the Memorial Park progress and individual sign prices.

New Business -

Use of a printed agenda for meetings was discussed. Please note that the new secretarial staff will not be getting minutes out as immediate as the previous secretary. An agenda will provide the delegates with the ability to add items prior to the meeting that they wish to have discussed and/or acted upon. It could also assist delegates in taking notes to relay timely information back to their club. We will try to see how this works out. If you have a change in email for your delegates, please get this to Deb or Donna as minutes are only being relayed via this means. If delegates do not have an email address, an alternate address should be provided so that minutes and agendas can be received by all who need.

Safe Riders information is available free – order blanks were distributed along with Fact Books.

ACSA calendars are again for sale at $20 with $5 coming back to the AWSC. This is a good fund-raiser helping to keep dues down and allows the purchaser the chance to win every day of 2010. Contact Donna if you wish to purchase or sell to your members, friends & family.

Best Friends of South Central Wisconsin (formerly known as Big Brothers – Big Sisters), serving Columbia, Green Lake & Sauk County, is having a fund-raiser on November 28th at the Zona Gale Center. It will be a musical program of yesteryear classics. Tickets are available by calling 608 742-4742.

Club Events and Other Comments–

Portage Club thanked everyone for their help in their Nut Sale that provided them with approximately

5 or 6 dollars profit.

Gary has tickets for Dane County Easter Seal Event to be held on February 6th.

Rio will conduct their Dice Run January 21-23 this year, ending again at the Rainbow.

Arlington’s 10th Annual Fall Fling was well attended, they sold all their tickets & everyone had fun.

Portage Grass Drags were a fun event and they plan to do again next year.

Yellow Thunder’s Winter Fundraiser in February has been moved to the Dwarf House in Roxbury.


January 28th meeting will be at the Crestwood, Portage.

President thanked everyone for traveling the distance to Club 23 – he wanted to include that corner

of the county and enjoy the Club’s cuisine.

Meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted – D. White

Published: November 24th, 2009
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Copyright 2007 Winnebago Ridgerunners Snowmobile Club | Graphics Provided by: Marshland Graphics Design, LLC W3046 County Road Y, Lomira, WI 53048