CCASC Meeting Minutes
October 28th, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm by President Gary Tupper. Seven clubs were present with Camper Country, New Haven, and Randolph being absent.
MMSP to approve the minutes of the September 23rd, 2010 meeting at Sidetracked.
MMSP to approve the financial report as presented showing an ending balance of $7,528.22.
County Liaison Report – Al is still missing maintenance contracts from Rio and Randolph clubs, as well as club contact lists from these clubs. If there are any more volunteers to be put on the county emergency contact list, let Al know. Another audit was done for supplemental grooming funds. We are down to $9000 now minus the prorate. We probably will not see anything until next year, if at all. There was some questioning on the flat rate for putting in and taking out signs. The hours being put down for this are above the flat rate. The maintenance sheets will be out in December, we are still waiting on the county approval. Al has been in contact with Sam Landes, Petro, and the 2 motels out near Petro in regards to putting a trail in out in that area. Al will be contacting Drew from Columbia County Tourism and see if he would be willing to come to our next meeting and talk. He may be able to help us promote.
The AWSC Report was given by Director Deb Levey. Deb handed out the General Session notes and the minutes from the AWSC Fall Workshop held Saturday, October 23rd, 2010 in Stevens Point. As of Saturday morning, 700 people were registered. A “Where Does our Funding Come From?” booklet was handed out. It is important that we stay educated on where our funding comes from. The Director’s Meeting was held on Sunday October 24th, 2010. It started around 8:30 am and ended around 1:30 pm. Some of the topics discussed at the Director’s Meeting included a concern about damage done by groomers, snowmobiles, etc. We are reminded to be careful about this as one club was sued by their town board before they even knew about it or could do anything. A silent auction was held and prizes were greatly appreciated. A record of $3904.50 was raised at the auction. A vote was passed to have another Legislation Day, as the turnout was great for the first Legislation Day. No date has been set for this. As far as promotions, Doug Johnson will be meeting with Discover Wisconsin to help promote snowmobiling. Marquette County currently has invested $1000 to promote their county and Discover Wisconsin. Also we should be linking our club sites to AWSC and the county tourism sites. The DNR has set up new safety instructor standards. The new changes are posted on the DNR website. There are three ways to recertify: recertification class, DNR website (print written test, complete and send to regional warden), or recertification online (to be set up in the future). It is important to get to know your regional warden. There have been a few incidents regarding age requirements for snowmobile riders. You have to be at least 12 years old and hold a valid safety certificate to operate a snowmobile on the trail alone. Children under 12 can take the safety course but cannot receive certification or ride alone on snowmobile trails. Lila Schuman scholarships will be replaced by Schwartz and Shea as of November 1st. The deadline for scholarships is February 11th. Some other topics that were mentioned were the addition of the Vintage and Antique committee, the Economic Impact Study, International Snowmobile Safety Week (January 16-20th, 2011-, and the March convention update: Wausau March 2011 at the Plaza Hotel. The 2011 AWSC Workshop will be November 4-6th, 2011 held in Stevens Point.
The Youth Report was given by Deb Levey as rep Trevor Levey was absent. This year’s food drive went better than last year’s clothes drive. Nine new counties now have youth reps, some with 2 reps. Woolworth County is donating a spot on their maps for youth. Mary Holden brought up the possibility that we do the same. The idea will be brought up next year when we do maps again. The Clean Air Team from UW-Platteville talked with youth representatives and made plans to join the youth for their February 11th youth ride next year. A suggestion was made by Trevor to have another youth rep join him as he will not be able to be a youth rep forever. Everyone seemed to agree that this was a good idea. An update of Trevor’s budget was requested for next month’s meeting.
Old Business-
A. Memorial Park- Steve Pate requested original start dates for each club. Most clubs had this date on hand. Steve will work on getting this up.
B. Maps on hand- A correction was made from last month’s minutes regarding cases of maps- John Falter currently has no cases. This year for 3000 maps with no changes the price is $1173 plus shipping. The material is in stock but it would be helpful if the company had a few weeks’ notice. We currently have roughly 15 cases. Anyone who would like to take on the map committee should led John Falter know as he and Greg Johnson are looking for someone to take over.
C. Gary Tupper received an email from Sam Landes regarding the trail in Dane County (from Middleton-Sauk County). See Gary for website with information.
D. Gary Schoppenhorst thanked everyone for purchasing the fundraiser nuts. They raised just under $12,000.
New Business-
A. Safety Classes- Yellow Thunder currently has their dates set- November 30th is the first and the rest as follows: December 2nd, 7th, 9th, 11th in Lodi. Anyone else with dates?
B. Email addresses- Peggy is wondering if we should send out the minutes from the Columbia County meeting to everyone on the contact list. It was decided that we would be sending it to everyone on that list.
C. CCASC Website- We are still looking for a volunteer to set up and maintain a CCASC webpage. A suggestion was made to start a Facebook page as they are easy to update and maintain.
D. Dodge County currently has fliers printed up for upcoming club events. Is this something we would like to consider and hang around local business establishments? We will consider this idea for next year when we have a bit more time.
E. The T-Zone hunt is scheduled for December 9-12th, 2010. We currently have not heard anything about the holiday hunt. It was decided that all clubs trails will stay closed until after the T-Zone hunt. Trails can officially open at 6pm on December 12th pending snow amounts.
F. The CCASC Christmas Party will be held at Dorothy’s Rainbow on December 16th. We will once again be doing a food drive so please bring can goods. We will consider doing a white elephant and decide on it at the November meeting.
Club News and Events-
A. Chili Feed February 12th, 2011 for Rocky Run Riders on Trail 15 from 10-4pm.
B. Pancake Breakfast February 13th, 2011 for Rocky Run Riders at Pardeeville School.
C. Pancake Breakfast on the second to last or last Sunday in January for Doylestown at the Casino.
Next meeting- November 18th, 2010 at Mo Jo’s in Cambria.