Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
Nov Ccasc Newsletter

CCASC Meeting Minutes

November 18th, 2010

Mo Jo’s in Cambria

The meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm by President Gary Tupper. Eight clubs were present with Camper Country and New Haven being absent.

MMSP to approve the minutes from the October 28th, 2010 meeting at Crestwood.

MMSP to approve the financial report as presented showing an ending balance of $7,090.46.

County Liaison Report –Contracts from Rio and Randolph clubs are still missing. No other updates.

The AWSC Report was given by Director Deb Levey. The Economic Impact Study that was discussed at last month’s meeting is no longer being done due to the grant being denied. It will be withheld until next year. No other AWSC updates.

The Youth Report was given by youth rep Trevor Levey. Anyone who has anyone interested in becoming a 2nd youth rep to Trevor should let him know. Arlington club has a few individuals interested. Please contact Trevor at as soon as possible, please.

Old Business-

A. Memorial Park- No updates on the Memorial Park from Steve Pate. Any clubs or individuals interested in donating money towards the Memorial Park should let Steve know. A motion was approved that CCASC will donate $1000 to the Memorial Park.

B. Web Page- Joyce Jansen from the Rocky Run Riders of Wyocena attended the meeting and offered to set up and maintain a web page for the CCASC. A motion was approved for her to go ahead with this. The website will be a free web page. We can put as many links on the page as we would like. The web page will list events, club contacts, meeting dates, etc. Please send club contacts, events, etc. from each club to Joyce so she can post it on the website. The link to the web page is

C. No updates on the trail to Merrimac. Although the Union Pacific offered the railroad tracks to Wisconsin Rail, who said they may be interested in a section of the railroad tracks but Union Pacific said it was all or none.

D. The CCASC Christmas Party is set for December 16th, 2010 at Dorothy’s Rainbow. We will not be doing the White Elephant. Please bring food pantry items to the party as well as any money donations you would like to give. We have set a cap cost for the party at around $400 based off of what was spent last year.

E. John Falter and Gregg Johnson are still looking for anyone interested in taking over the map committee. Harley and Betsy Woodward are interested as well as a few other members. They should get in contact with Gregg and John for further instruction.

New Business-

A. Safety Classes- Portage has safety classes set up for December 7th, 9th, 14th, and 16th.

B. Donna White has American Council of Snowmobiles calendars for sale to anyone interested. The cost is $20. She can get more as needed.

Club News and Events-

A. Chili Feed February 12th, 2011 for Rocky Run Riders on Trail 15 from 10-4pm.

B. Pancake Breakfast February 13th, 2011 for Rocky Run Riders at Pardeeville School.

C. Pancake Breakfast on January 30th, 2011 for Doylestown at the Casino.

D. Gregg Johnson has leased 5 new snowmobiles to Mark Stewart from Portage who has opened up a vacationing spot in Grand Mesa, Colorado. The name of the lodge is Thunder Mountain Lodge. There will be snowmobiles and other outdoor activity to rent with over 400 miles of trail to ride on.

Next meeting- December 16th, 2010 at Dorothy’s Rainbow Inn Otsego at 7:30 pm. Bring your can goods for the food drive.

MMSP to adjourn at 8:50 pm

Respectfully submitted- Katie Dolato (CCASC secretary)

The Executive Board met following the regular meeting to discuss the election of a second youth rep. All candidates must contact Trevor by December 10th, 2010. The Executive Board will meet between December 10th and December 16th to hold an election to appoint a second youth rep, assuming there will be more than one candidate interested. The youth who is elected should plan to be at the December 16th CCASC meeting.

Published: December 10th, 2010
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