Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
January Newsletter

CCASC Meeting Minutes

January 27th, 2010

Northern Edge

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by President Gary Tupper. Seven clubs were present with Doylestown, New Haven and Randolph being absent.

MMSP to approve the minutes from the December 16th, 2010 at Dorothy’s Rainbow.

MMSP to approve the financial report as presented showing an ending balance of $5,935.99.

County Liaison Report from Al Kaltenberg –A reminder that groomer operators cannot have any alcohol on them, on their breath, or in the groomer. We will not be covered by insurance if something happens and alcohol is found. Any new trail information needs to be turned into Al for funding by the next meeting. A supplemental check was sent to Al for a total of $9014.12. Checks will be sent out when Betsy returns. A reminder that TAC hours must be started and stopped each time the groomer is run and shut off. Al had nothing else to report. In addition, Peggy had made up a DNR form for grooming and marking of trails. It also included the DNR rates. It will be available electronically now to make things easier. Al will take the form to get approved.

The AWSC Report was given by Director Deb Levey. A Director’s Meeting was held at the beginning of January. Deb handed out minutes from the Director’s Meeting and highlighted some key points including election of a new governor, delay of the economic impact survey, placement of mandatory helmet law, by-law changes, setting a date for another Legislation Day, great impact promotions/publicities has made (Deb’s article in Wisconsin State Journal-January 16th J), scholarships, Convention in Wausau set for March 25-27th, 2011, and new candidate announcements. See Director’s Meeting Minutes for specifics on above items. No other reports to be made.

The Youth Report was given by youth rep Tyler Brozek. Youth Leadership Weekend is set for February 11-13th, 2011. The youth are looking to set up a youth ride or bowling day to get in touch with youth from different clubs. They are looking at February but no date has been set. There will be food donations and a silent auction at the convention March 25-27th, 2011. Youth are looking to hold their meetings at the Frog, also to get more families and youth to ride together. It was addressed to contact Betsy if Trevor and Tyler need any funding. We will get a financial status at the next meeting and go from there. No other updates.

Old Business-

A. Thank you notes were sent from local food pantries we donated food to.

New Business-

A. Trail updates- Cambria, the one and only gas station in Cambria has closed down. As of now credit cards are still ok to use there. No updates for Arlington trails.

B. Trail Map Committee- Harley will head map committee and a few other club members have volunteered to help out as well. A meeting will be set to officially hand over the information from John and Gregg to the new committee. A motion for an amount of $75 for a 2 year ad was made and approved as we have done previous years. John will get the form printed up as he has done previous years and handed out to new committee.

C. Elections were held for new County Director and County Rep. Steve Pate nominated Deb Levey for County Director and it was seconded by Al Kaltenberg. Deb Levey will become our new County Director. Al Kaltenberg nominated Steve Pate for County Directed and it was seconded by Peggy Benson. Steve Pate will become our new County Rep. Thank you both. $500-$600 was approved for finances for Deb.

Club News and Events-

A. Chili Feed February 12th, 2011 for Rocky Run Riders on Trail 15 from 10-4pm. Donations appreciated.

B. Pancake Breakfast February 13th, 2011 for Rocky Run Riders at Pardeeville School.

C. 40th Anniversary for Columbus/Fall River on Sunday February 13th on Trail 60 (1 mile west of Westside Inn) from 12-3. There will be a bonfire, hot dogs, hot cocoa, and other items. A Porta-Potty will be available. Donations appreciated.

D. Lake Wisconsin Radar Run January 29th- Lakeside

E. Soup dump February 12th, 2011 for Cambria on Trail 27, south of Cambria between Cty G and Hwy 146 from 12-5pm. Encouraged to bring a can of soup to dump in the pot.

F. Almond Sno-Eagles Fundraiser- February 26th, 2011- field across from Heptren Tavern

G. $50 Raffle February 19th, 2011 for Yellow Thunder in Rocksbury.

H. KD’s Bar and Grill in Lodi- ½ price drink if you bring a non-perishable food item.

I. Columbus/Fall River Raffle- $10; 300 tickets.

Published: February 15th, 2011
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