Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
Wrr October Newsletter

Winnebago Ridge Runners

WINNEBAGO RIDGE RUNNERS Our October meeting was held
with 14 people in attendance.
Elections were held and there were no nominations or volunteers for officers
so the present officers volunteered to stay in office for one more year.
Barb Broesch agreed to a recorded easement to allow us to cross the property
the club owns so it was voted on to sell her the property for a dollar.
Country Plumber will sell the club a porta pot for $150, this will be used at
the grass drags every year and then we will also be able to use it at the
groomer shed.
It was decided to purchase four six foot tables from Menards to be used for
the grass drags and to also have at the shed for future meetings.
It was discussed on having some of our meetings at Murph’s on Swan Lake but he
is closing for the winter so we will continue to hold our meetings at The
County map ads are due Oct. 27th at the county meeting.
The grass drags will be held this Saturday at the Eileen Seiler farm at N9820
Cty XX. They will start at noon and run til 5:00. All members are asked to be
there at 9:00 for setup. Members are also needed to help sell food, take
money at the entrance, and help with the teardown.
The nut orders are due back this Saturday and can be turned in to me at the
grass drags. They will be ready for pickup at our house, N7968 Cty EE, the
weekend of Nov. 11th.
Cascade is selling one of their old groomers that could possibly work for the
club. Gary will check into this.

Did you renew your membership? Please send your renewal fee of $20.00 per
family to Steve Pate
N6838 Boyd DR. Pardeeville, WI 53954.

Please make sure I have your email address. You can email me at

Grass Drags/Nut Orders turned in @ The Seilers Farm 12:00 Oct. 22nd
County Meeting Kelly’s Bar Randolph 7:30 Oct. 27th
Club Meeting @ The Wheel 7:30 Nov.7th
Nut Order pickup @ Mootz's Nov. 11th

Published: October 21st, 2011
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Copyright 2007 Winnebago Ridgerunners Snowmobile Club | Graphics Provided by: Marshland Graphics Design, LLC W3046 County Road Y, Lomira, WI 53048