Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
Ccasc Oct Newsletter

CCASC Meeting Minutes

October 27th, 2011

Mojoz in Cambria

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm by President Gary Tupper. 8 clubs were present with Doylestown and Randolph absent.

MMSP to approve the minutes from the September 22nd, 2011 meeting at North Leeds Town Hall.

MMSP to approve the financial report as presented showing an ending balance of $7,296.41. Norri Brozek filled in as Betsy was absent.

County Liaison Report- Clubs who have not turned in contracts, please get these in ASAP. Thanks to all who attended the trail signing meeting last month. No other reports to be made.

The AWSC Report was given by director Deb Levey. Reminder that workshop is the 1st weekend in November in Stevens Point. The director’s meeting will be held that Sunday. American Media Council, who awarded Trevor with a scholarship, is a great wait for clubs to get the word out about their own clubs. Please keep this in mind. No other updates.

The Youth Report was given by youth rep Tyler Brozek. Trevor and Tyler will be attending the AWSC Workshop in November. If anyone has donations for the food drive to be held at workshop, Tyler and/or Trevor will be willing to take them up. No clothing please. Polaris has offered to donate a signed jersey for workshop. Tyler will find out more about this. He is currently waiting for an email response from them regarding it. It was stated that the club will pay for our youths’ expenses at workshop. No other updates.

Old Business-

A. Memorial Park- Anyone will donations are welcome to. The park is coming along. Also anyone wanting a metal sign made to be put at the park, please contact Steve Pate. The cost is $50.

B. Map Ads- John Brozek filled in for Harley, as he was absent. Out of the 111 map ads they currently have roughly 43. Please turn these in as soon as possible. The drop deadline for these as well as any trail changes is November 10th.

C. Info sheets- Al still needs these from almost all clubs. They were due in August so please get these into him promptly.

D. 2nd youth rep- Arlington may have someone who is willing- Destiny Anhalt.

New Business-

A. Christmas Party- Would we like to do a food drive again this year? Anyone else have any ideas? It was agreed to do the food drive again. The date for the Christmas party is December 15th at the Northern Edge in Lodi.

B. Donna White has snowmobile calendars available. The cost is $20 ($15 to go to AMC and $5 back to our clubs).

C. Gregg Johnson brought a letter to the club’s attention that he received from the AWSC. The letter stated that they would no longer be taking any dues prior to one month or the month of its due date. Rocky Run also received a similar letter. Deb Levey will check on this with the AWSC as it will cause problems with membership renewal for members.

D. Trail issues- Rio has multiple issues with trails that will require some work. One land owner in particular, Dave Walters (trail from Hwy B to Drake Rd.) is upset over some problems caused by either snowmobilers or hunters and is refusing to open the trail as of now. Anyone who may know Dave, Rio club would appreciate you talking to him to try to solve this issue.

E. Hunting- There are many hunts scheduled in the next two months (Thanksgiving- January) that we should be aware of. Please be respectful of the hunters and landowner requests.

F. It was brought up that anyone wanting or needing to give emergency help is required to carry a card authorizing them to do so. Peggy from Yellow Thunder will be holding a free training this weekend with Vicki from EMS, if anyone is interested. An online training is available as well. Any members wanting to get on the emergency list for Columbia should let Al know ASAP as well.

G. Chad Deidrich from Discover Wisconsin will be holding a film day in November. The filming will include brushing, putting in trails, and talking with landowners. The film will air in December.

Club News and Events-

A. Arlington Fall Fling- November 11th, 2011 at Leeds Town Hall. $60 for two people (includes dinner and drinks all night). Starts at 6pm.

B. John Falter update- He is doing well and currently has 6 weeks of chemo and radiation left. He will be getting his new snowmobile on Monday and is hoping to attend the December meeting.

C. Dice Run- Camper Country. Planned to be January 1-28th, 2012.

D. Rocky Run Pancake Breakfast- February 12th, 2012

Next meeting- November 17th, 2011 at Kelly’s Bar, W11794 Concord Rd, Randolph 920-326-3580

MMSP to adjourn at 8:25 pm

Respectfully submitted- Katie Dolato (CCASC secretary)

Published: November 28th, 2011
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