January 14th the club will be having a soup dump at the groomer shed, this
will take place whether we have snow or not. Everyone is to bring a can of
non-cream soup. The club will provide brats and hotdogs along with hot
chocolate. This event will be open to all snowmobilers so hopefully we can
have a good turnout from our club for preparation and during the event.
Our club ride will take place the weekend of January 27th. Steve has a block
of 10 rooms at the Americinn Lodge and Suites at Ladysmith. The cost will be
82.90 per night. The number is 715-532-7811.
Anyone planning on going is to call and make their own reservations. Members
will be responsible for paying for their rooms and then the club will
reimburse them for one night. We will leave Friday morning the 27th at 8:00,
a meeting place will be decided on at the January meeting.
The date of our January meeting has changed to January 9th due to the holiday.
This will be our Christmas party, everyone is to bring a dish to pass and a
gift to exchange. Hope to see everyone there!
When the trails open everyone is asked to check the county hotline if it is
during any special hunts. Many trail sections could be closed during the
hunt. So please if you ride during these hunting times please check the
hotline and don’t ride on any closed sections.
Did you renew your membership? Please send your renewal fee of $20.00 per
family to Steve Pate
N6838 Boyd DR. Pardeeville, WI 53954.
Please make sure I have your email address. You can email me at
Club Meeting @ The Wheel 7:30
Jan. 9th
Club Ride Ladysmith
8:00 Jan. 27-29