CCASC Meeting Minutes
January 26th, 2012
Crestwood Inn in Portage
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm by President Gary Tupper. 8 clubs were present with Randolph and New Haven absent.
MMSP to approve the minutes from the December 15th, 2011 meeting at Northern Edge in Lodi.
MMSP to approve the financial report as presented showing an ending balance $5,002.76.
County Liaison Report was given by Al Kaltenberg. Regarding the CRP land issues, all farm owners with CRP land must go in individually with their maps and sign. If they do not do so and are caught they will lose their funding and possibly their land. October 1st is the start date and they will need to renew every year. We need to push this with the land owners even if it means we have to personally drive them there in order to get this completed. This information has also been sent to all CRP land farmers so this is no news to them. Scholarship forms are still available if anyone needs them. Also please get new emergency contact information in. This includes name, phone number, and type of sled. No other reports to be made.
The AWSC Report was given by Mike Levey, Steve Pate, and Donna White in Deb Levey’s absence. Deb received an email regarding the Legislative Day (Cap-Step program). On February 8th, the 465 Assembly Bill will be presented to their committee, the Senate version 365 hearing has not been scheduled yet. The Legislative Day is set for February 15th, 2012 at Monona Terrace. We have decided to get a bus if enough people are planning to go down. Last year the cost for the bus was roughly $200. Betsy will get a bus lined up for the trip and let us know on prices and other information. The bus will leave at approximately 8:30 am from Johnson Sales and will leave the capital at 2 pm. Gary will check with Sam from Dane Co. to see if anyone from there would be interested in riding down on the same bus. If so, the bus will plan to stop at a truck stop or other location to pick up these individuals. Donna has requested members from our snowmobile clubs to contact Fred Clark from Assembly District 42 and thank him for his large amount of support for snowmobilers. Donna has his email address and his telephone for those interested in contacting him is 608-266-7746. The Assembly Tourism Committee will be having a hearing at the capital on February 8th. Members are encouraged to go down and sign in favor of the bills (AB-365 and AB-465). There are new bridge guidelines out. The maximum is 14,000 lbs and 145% overload. Please be aware of these changes. Regarding the AWSC membership renewal issues, other states have a policy that memberships are good starting whenever they are received and Wisconsin is planning to also start using this which should clear up the issues we are having. The International Snowmobile Congress will be held in Sturbridge, Massachusetts June 5-9th, 2012. Any clubs or members wanting to send along donations (financial, beverages, food, and raffle prizes), some members from the AWSC will be driving there and would be glad to take the donations along with them. Please contact Donna White with any questions. The AWSC will be hosting the 45th ISC in Green Bay June 6th-8th, 2013. This is a special honor. Snowmobilers from across the 23 snow-belt states, all of the providences in Canada and the Northwest Territories will be attending. They are asking for assistance from clubs around the state. Assistance in the form of finances, food, beverage, or raffle prizes would be greatly appreciated for this event as well. Any contribution made can be considered a tax deduction. A reminder that the annual convention will be held in Manitowoc in March. No other reports to be made.
The Youth Report was given by youth rep Tyler Brozek. Tyler has completed his 2nd year of training for the safety class teaching and can now teach classes. Tyler and Trevor will be attending the Lakewood Leadership weekend February 10-12th. They had a great time last year and made many new friends from across the state. A youth club ride (Columbia and Dodge Counties) is still in the works for February 18th pending snow. The January ride did not happen due to lack of snow. Tyler is still looking for any youth contact info from those interested in attending the club ride or other youth events. Trevor Levey also gave a youth report. He attended the Winter Director Meeting and found it very interesting. The CHAOS ride went great and the trails up there were great for riding. It was brought up if clubs were planning to help out financially for the youth attending the Lakewood weekend. Please take back to your club a suggestion for a $50 donation for the youth program. Our youth are important and are the future of snowmobiling. No other updates.
Old Business-
A. Joyce Jansen received a thank you note email she received from the Wyocena Food Pantry for the food donations. Gary Schoppenhorst also received a thank you from the Portage Food Pantry for their donation.
B. Cap-Step bus trip- discussed in AWSC report.
C. Good Neighbor Trail (trail into Quaker Steak) - the trail was put in but then was removed later. The proposal was not taken to the city council for permission which resulted in it getting shut down. The biggest concerns were for safety. The trail was located 5 ft. from a foot/bike path, which people saw as dangerous. Chad Landes went down and gave a great talk on the trail but it was still voted no. However, a few years ago an approval for the Good Neighbor Trail was signed and approved. The issue has not been dropped but as of now the trail will remain closed.
New Business-
A. Reminder for election of officers for March meeting.
B. Election for AWSC Director and Representative.
a. Deb Levey was voted in for AWSC Director.
b. Steve Pate was voted in for AWSC Representative.
C. Map situation- Gary Tupper has suggested making up a renewal sheet for every map ad and having club members check off if locations renewed and/or paid. Then after the map has been sent to the printer a PDF file would be sent back to clubs to be proofed and then okayed to be printed. Also another suggestion was made to have all renewal checks or payments sent to Al instead of individual clubs. It was decided that there will always be mistakes in the way we do the maps so we will keep it the same way we have been doing it. Also individual clubs should continue taking the money for the map ads.
D. An update on the maps- $6,200 was collected in map ads, $4,525.11 was the cost of the maps, and $2,124,89 was the end profit.
E. Memorial Park- Steve is currently good for funding and was very appreciative of the donations.
F. Dividing county into quadrants- Greg Johnson spoke up and is not a big fan of the idea. This was requested by the Lodi EMS but we decided they could do up their own quadrant maps. It has shown to be too difficult to divide up in the past.
Club News and Events-
A. Dice Run- Camper Country. Planned to be January 1-28th, 2012.
B. Rocky Run Pancake Breakfast- February 12th, 2012
C. Yellow Thunder $50 Raffle- February 18th, 2012
D. Dane Co. Easter Seals Raffle- February 4th, 2012. $20 for the dance and meal. See Gary Tupper for tickets.
E. Doylestown Breakfast- January 29th, 2012 at the Casino
F. Columbus/Fall River- White Elephant Event- January 24th, 2012 at Kelly’s Bar.
G. Waunakee Beef Feed- January 28th, 2012.
Next meeting- February 23rd, 2012 at Dorothy’s Rainbow Inn- W3408 Hwy 16, Otsego - 920-992-6036.
MMSP to adjourn at 9:05 pm
Respectfully submitted- Katie Dolato (CCASC secretary)