Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
Ccasc Jan Meeting
CCASC Meeting Minute January 24, 2013 Club 60, Columbus, WI The meeting was called to order by President Mike Levey. 8 clubs were present with Randolph and New Haven absent. MMSP to approve the minutes from the November 15, 2012 meeting as written. MMSP to approve the financial report as presented showing any ending balance of $2,892.94. New Haven and Rio Camper Country club dues are still outstanding. The County Liaison Report was given by Al Kaltenberg. He will have the maintenance packets to hand out at the next meeting. Any new trail or bridge construction applications are due by February 1, 2013. Discussion was held on the trespassing issues by Lake Wisconsin. We received some complaints from landowners that there was corner-cutting and off-trail riding. The Sheriffs Department was contacted concerning this. AWSC Report was given by Deb Levey. She attended the Directors Meeting in Wood County on January 6, 2013. Highlights are: (1) Remember to check the AWSC website before calling the office to try to resolve any issues. There is 1 full-time and 1 part-time person working the office. (2) Trespassing issues were discussed. There is a need for law enforcement. The AWSC office was asked to submit a press release regarding off-trail riding and snowmobile safety week. (3) The KAOS ride will be held at Lakewood, WI on February 8-10, 2013. (4) AWSC Convention will be held March 22-24, 2013 at The Radisson in La Crosse. (5) February 1, 2013 is deadline for AWSC Scholarship. Applications must be postmarked on or before 2/1/13. (6) 2013 AWSC membership is 23,596; 2012 was 25,525. Decline of 2,042 from last year. (7) Cap/Step program vs Registration Fee Increase was discussed. Nothing is finalized yet. (8) Issues with the Out-of-State trail passes. Difficulties on where to purchase them. May be we could designate on our maps where to purchase them. (9) AWSC Incumbents are all running for their offices again, with the addition of Doug Sessler who is also running for President. Donna White, ViceChair of the ISC, reported the AWSC is hosting the 45th Annual ISC Convention on June 6-8, 2013 at the Radisson Hotel & Conference Center in Green Bay. MMSC to approve $500 sponsorship for an attendee to go to ISC Convention. The Youth Report was given by Tyler Brozek. 25 youths are signed up for KAOS ride at Lakewood on February 8-10, 2013. OLD BUSINESS Discussion was held on the trails and trespassing issues. We as club members need to be proactive about staying on trails. Any private trails need to be marked, so others don’t follow tracks. The trails need to be marked like you don’t live here and are familiar with the area. NEW BUSINESS Steve Pate stated that there is room for 20 more plaques at our Memorial Park in Portage. The plaques cost $50 each and has room for about 100 words. Discussion was held about CCASC purchasing a few plaques before September 2013 when we will try to hold a dedication for Harold LaJune. MMSP to approve County Map price of $100 for 2 years per space. Al Kaltenberg was appointed for 1 more year as our County Liaison. He will train and work with someone new the following year. ELECTION FOR AWSC DIRECTOR AND REPRESENTATIVES: A nomination for Deb Levey as County Director was presented, but she declined. A nomination for John Brozek as County Director was presented. The nomination was seconded and further nominations were closed. Nomination was then approved and passed. A nomination for Deb Levey as County Representative was presented. The nomination was seconded and further nominations were closed. Nomination was then approved and passed. MMSP to pay for registration, motel room, and banquet costs for Director and/or Representative at all 4 state meetings upon receipts of costs involved. MMSP to pay $600 to Deb Levey for past year as County Director. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 28, 2013 at the Wyocena Bar at 7:30pm. UP-COMING EVENTS January 26, 2013: BBQ Beef Dinner at St Mary Lakes School in Westport 5pm January 27, 2013: Pancake Breakfast at The Casino Supper Club (Hwy 16W Columbus) 8:30am-12:30pm February 10, 2013: Pancake Breakfast at the Pardeeville High School 8am-noon Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted by Kim Johnson. Because our Holiday Party in December was cancelled due to snow storm, food drive items were brought this month. They were divided up and will be distributed to area Food Pantries. A Silent Auction and door prize drawings were also held. A special thanks to all who participated. Contact AWSC office: AWSC Director is John Brozek Phone: (920) 382-2620 Email:
Published: January 31st, 2013
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