CCASC Meeting Minute
February 28, 2013
Wyocena Bar
The meeting was called to order by President Mike Levey. 9 clubs were present with New Haven absent.
MMSP to approve the minutes from the January 24, 2013 meeting as written.
MMSP to approve the financial report as presented showing any ending balance of $2,454.47.
The County Liaison Report was given by Al Kaltenberg. He distributed the maintenance packets to attending clubs. CCASC website has electronic copies of maintenance forms to prepare online. All maintenance packets must be turned in by June 12, 2013 to Al Kaltenberg.
Al submitted 6 trails in Columbia County for future funding. They are: Rio to Cambia Trail; County Trail #61; County Trail #18; Keyser Trail; Columbus Trail; and Rio to Otsego Trail.
The Director’s Report was given by John Brozek. He reminded clubs to get voting delegate forms in to him by March 11, 2013 so he can vote accordingly at the State Convention.
The Youth Report was given by Tyler Brozek. He attended the Lakewood Youth Meeting. There were 25 attendees; the food was donated by Oconto Co. Snowmobile Association. The Youth will be holding a Cake/Bake Goods Sale at Convention. Anyone wishing to donate, contact Tyler at (920)382-9875. He needs all items by Thursday, March 21, 2013. We are still looking for more Columbia County youth to get involved.
Our Silent Auction from the last meeting made $471.00. President Mike Levey thanked everyone who attended and purchased items. Discussion was held about having a pre-season party before the holidays instead of during the busy holiday season.
We are looking for individuals’ names that are/were instrumental in Columbia County snowmobiling to post at the Harold LeJeune Snowmobile Park in Portage. Contact your County Rep. with any information.
2014/2015 map ad renewals were distributed to all attending clubs. Each map ad is $100 for 2 years. Ads must be turned in by the September 2013 CCASC meeting.
MMSP to purchase $100 of Lake State Resources Alliance raffle tickets.
Discussion was held on local club event scheduling to coordinate dates and times, so they don’t conflict with other clubs’ events, if at all possible.
Dane County Council raffle tickets are available. $10 each, see Gary Tupper.
March 23-24, 2013 – Yamaha Demo Snowmobile Rides at Cascade Mountain 10am-3pm
Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm.
Respectfully submitted by Gregg & Kim Johnson.
Published: March 3rd, 2013