August 27, 2015
Al Kaltenberg’s home
The meeting was called to order by President Gary Tupper with eight clubs present. New Haven and Randolph were missing.
MMSP to approve the secretary’s report.
MMSP to approve the treasurer’s report with a balance of $3895.40.
AWSC report- John thanked all of the volunteers that worked for the MOHEE expo.
There will be a meeting on September 10th regarding the Great Sauk Trail- we need to show up and show our support.
Workshop is going to be held in Appleton on the weekend of October 30 through November 11th.
Notes from the summer Director’s meeting-
Clubs with fewer than 10 members are not eligible for discounted trail passes.
The DNR will be sending letters out to all owners of antique sleds to update them on the antique sled registration.
The AWSC will continue with the raffle with a change on the trip package. They will not be doing a Yellowstone trip as a prize; they are looking to keep the prize a Wisconsin destination. $31,000 was made on the raffle last year.
ISC will be held in June 2016 in Rapid City, SD.
Just a reminder that to purchase a new trail pass you will need to have your AWSC membership number as well as your sled’s registration number. Your AWSC membership number can be found on either your membership card or on your copy of the Wisconsin Snowmobile News magazine. Passes can be ordered by either going to the AWSC office, mailing in the form or ordered online. All trail passes are mailed out from the DNR. If your club has a website please post the info to get the word out.
Trail funding- this year we fell $3 million short of the money requested. There were 20 bridge projects totaling $740,000 that were not able to be approved due to lack of funding.
At workshop they will be approving a code of conduct for the officers.
Looking into GPS for groomers for accuracy.
Look for a new look to the magazine this year.
County Liaison Report-
Columbia County was audited by the DNR this year. Crop damage was not covered as it has been in the past. In the future document, take pictures and measurements of crop damage and turn into insurance.
Old Business- Columbia County is looking for a youth rep. Reps need to be in high school and between the ages of 14-18. Please talk to youth in your clubs.
Please continue to sell map ads. They need to be turned in by the October meeting so that we can have maps available at our December meeting.
Tonight we will be presenting Columbia County scholarships to Clayton Underdahl (high school level) and Kendra Minick (post high school level).
New Business- Kendra Minick submitted her application to represent Columbia County for Miss Snowflake. If any other clubs have ladies that are interested in competing for Miss Snowflake, applications need to be turned into a board member before September 15th. The application can be found on the AWSC website. If more than one applicant at the county level the board will interview applicants and have a decision made before the September 24th meeting. The county voted to cover the non refundable $50 application fee as well as pay for a sash.
Meeting schedule was set-
September 24- MOJO’s
October 22- Thirsty Moose
November 19- Smoke on the Water
December 17- Christmas Party at Johnson Sales
January 28- Lucky’s on the Water
February 25- Theater Bar
March 24- Club 60
Marshall Club had a booth at Farm Technology Days thanking the landowners. Lots of good comments were heard on it.
Club dues are $50.
Sam Landes was in attendance to discuss trail issues in Dane County.
Blue Mound State Park- We are written into the Blue Mound state park plan. There was a hearing held on the plan in July. Look for an email from either Sam or John and pass it along to club members. Sam’s email has an easy link to use for responding.
Great Sauk Trail- This trail will connect both ends of parts allocated for snowmobile trails. This will affect Yellow Thunder trails a lot. The next meeting regarding this trail will be on September 10th with an open house from 5-8 at the River Arts Center.
Support for both trail issues is needed. We all know that snowmobilers have great numbers; we need to get the people involved. Don’t get complacent- get involved to keep our trails.
Congratulations Harley Woodward on being chosen as AWSC Snowmobiler of the Year. Presentation will be held on the banquet on Saturday night at Workshop, if you have never attended a workshop this year is a good time to do so and watch Harley receive his award.
MMSP to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully submitted by Norri Brozek.
Published: October 8th, 2015