CCASC meeting
September 24, 2015
The meeting was called to order by President Gary Tupper with six clubs present. Camper Country, Doylestown, New Haven and Randolph were absent.
MMSP to approve the secretary’s report.
AWSC Report- There were 223,606 registrations last year compared to 224,716 the prior season. There were 12 fatalities- 11 less than the prior year. Of those fatalities 7 were safety certified and three did not have a helmet. Alcohol was believed to be a factor in nine of them.
There were 8985 students certified of which 3560 were certified on the internet. There were 5425 students certified by 856 instructors in 257 classes last year.
Reminder on workshop October 30 to November 1. Please come to support Harley Woodward and Kendra Minick.
Continue to spread the word about the WI trail passes and talk to non club members about the benefit of belonging to a club- $3000 AD&D policy, reduced cost on the WI trail pass, WSN magazine, meeting great people, etc.
The commercial sponsor list from the AWSC office must reach WSN by 10/28 to get into the December issue. They must have the list into WSN by September 1, 2016 to get into the October issue next year.
Peggy added that commercial sponsors get one discounted trail pass at the discount.
County Liaison Report- Packets will be available next month. Make sure to get map ads turned in asap.
Old Business-We still are looking for a youth rep. Please check with the youth in your clubs to see if you have anyone interested.
Kendra is officially running as Miss Columbia County. MMSP to approve covering Kendra’s hotel room for one night.
Gregg and Kim attended the Sauk Trail meeting and reported that they left snowmobiles alone. Several people from Dane county were in attendance. Sam was pleased with how it went. There was a trail drawn on the map.
New Business-Donna is looking for donations for the scholarship auction at workshop.
We received a thank you card from Kendra for the scholarship.
A discussion was held regarding taking an ad out in the local newspapers regarding the new trail pass information and club contact information. It was also suggested that someone try to do an interview on the local radio station. Gregg will contact some local newspapers to get an idea of the cost of doing an ad and will bring it to the next meeting. Please do what you can to get the information out on your Facebook pages, web pages and posting it in local businesses.
Steve thanked us for the help on the memorial park. We in turn thanked him for all his time and effort. There is still room for more signs if anyone is interest. Cost is $50- please contact Steve for information.
Winnebago Ridge runners will be holding a safety class the first and second weeks of December. Yellow Thunder will also be holding one, dates have not been determined. If your club is holding one please let us know- also get the information to Joyce so she can update the webpage.
Club events- Winnebago Grass drags will be October 24th, outside of Portage.
Arlington is doing a New Fall Fling Raffle November 7th from 5-9pm at Hookers. Gregg will have tickets.
MMSP to adjourn the meeting.
The next meeting will be held October 22nd at the Thirsty Moose.,
Respectfully submitted,
Norri Brozek
Published: October 8th, 2015