At The Last Meeting:
• Thank you to everyone who attended the picnic this summer, it was a great success. Thank you especially to Nikki Mootz for the great grilling!
• Nut Sale orders are out, if you still need an order form or would like to place an order contact Sue Mootz at 697-2670. There will NOT be leftovers this year. Orders are due October 24th at the grass drags.
• Grass Drags will be held October 24th at the Seiler’s Farm off of Cheese Factory Road. Signs will be put out the weekend before by the Mootz family. There will be burgers, brats and some hot dogs as well as chips and drinks. We will meet for set up at 9 am. The races will begin at Noon.
• The 1st 2 weeks of December The Rod and Gun Club in Portage will be hosting the snowmobile safety course. The class will be held Tuesday and Thursday of each week starting at 6:30. The first Tuesday the class will start at 6 to allow for additional time to get set. Registration for the class is on the DNR website.
• Reminder: Every snowmobile will need a trail pass this year. To receive you discount you will need a current club membership. More information can be found on the AWSC website.
• The next county snowmobile club meeting will be held October 22, 2015: Remi's Thirsty Moose, N3135 Cty Rd V, Poynette 608-635-4311
• The next Winnebago Ridge Runners meeting will be held November 2nd at the groomer shed at 7:30pm.
Published: October 8th, 2015