CCASC Meeting
Lucky’s on the Lake
January 28, 2016
The meeting was called to order by President Gary Tupper with six clubs present. Cambria, Camper Country, New Haven and Randolph were absent.
The secretary’s report was read and corrections were made – Doylestown’s pancake breakfast is going to be from 8:30 to 12:30 on Sunday. Arlington Food Pantry also received some donations from the December Christmas party. MMSP to approve the minutes with the changes.
MMSP to approve the treasurer’s report with a balance of $6778.52.
AWSC Report- 46,400 trail passes have been sold through the office. They are doing roughly 700 a week. It is taking 10-14 days to process new requests.
Clubs will have to deal with landowners that don’t feel they should have to buy a trail pass. Remind them that the money goes to trails and not the DNR or AWSC.
AB803- Bill to link oui to driver’s licenses. If you have your driver’s license revoked for an oui, you would not be able to drive a recreational vehicle for not less than 12 months and not more than 16 months. The AWSC is not taking a stand on this bill as they feel either way will not be good.
The AWSC is looking to make some changes to the bylaws. Details will be in the February magazine and voted on at convention.
Make sure to get your voting delegate slips into the office- if your club does not have a voting delegate available John can vote for your club.
There are 40 applications for the scholarship and seven for the continuing ed scholarship.
Thank you to everyone who commented on the Blue Mounds State park, the 1.4 mile of snowmobile trail has been approved.
County Liaison- Harley is still waiting for answers on if they will be able to pay the clubs directly with ACH payments. Kelly does want some maps- Gary Shoppenhorsst will deliver to her. We are missing contracts from Cambria and New Haven.
Old Business- Discussion was held on having a hospitality room. Arlington and Winnebago will have people available to help. Rocky Run will not have anyone available to help. It was decided that we will be hosting a hospitality room. We will need to go through the AWSC office to book the room. John Falter will book the room and check into the cancellation fee.
Trails will close at 8am on Saturday.
We received Thank you cards from River Haven and Portage Food pantries.
New Business- The current board has been on for two years and we will need to elect a new board. Bring nominations to the February meeting so we can vote at the March meeting.
February 5-Golden Triangle Drifters- Timber’s Fun Night at 7:00
February 6-Blizard Blast for Easter Seals- Rex’s Innkeeper
February 13- White Lightning Valentines Dance and Vintage Ride
February 13- Mt. Vernon Valley Riders- Spaghetti Dinner at deer Creek Sportsman’s Club
February 14-Speedway Snowmobile Club- Country Breakfast at Red Mouse
February 14- Rocky Run Pancake Breakfast- Pardeeville High School 8-12
February 20-Yellow Thunder raffle- Dorf Haus in Roxbury
February 20- Camper Country Lucky 7 cash raffle- Club 60 at 7pm
February 25- CCASC meeting - Theater Bar in Rio
Respectfully submitted,
Norri Brozek
Published: February 2nd, 2016