Columbia County Association of Snowmobile Clubs
Meeting minutes for November 15, 2007
Harlan called the meeting to order on November 15, 2007 at Lockwood’s Longshot, Arlington.
Clubs Present: Arlington, Cambria, Camper Country, Columbus Fall River, Doylestown, Randolph, Winnebago, Yellow Thunder
Clubs absent: New Haven, Rocky Run
MMS&C to approve the secretary’s report from October 25, 2007
MMS&C to approve the treasurer’s report stating a balance of $10733.09 as of 11-15-07
Deb Levey gave the directors report-
All clubs should track the charitable amount of money and organizations they donate to
Questions on the IRS letter the clubs received should be directed to Bill Schuman at AWSC
Deb gave a report on the Directors actions at workshop
Club only raffle tickets were sent out to each club
55mph night time speed limit passed for the next 3 years
Discussion on the county having a County Web page
Discussion on the county having a youth representative
Al Kaltenberg is still missing the landowners list for New Haven, Rocky Run and Rio
Rocky Run has not turned in their maintenance contract yet.
Old Business-
See Harley to get county raffle tickets to sell
Discussion on signing from AWSC workshop
Christmas party at Dorothy’s Rainbow Inn on 12-20-07, white elephant exchange gift for fun if the spirit moves you as well as a nonperishable food donation for the food pantry
River Haven homeless shelter and Best Friends of South Central WI were selected as recipients of $250 each as a charitable contribution from CCASC, it was requested to have representatives present to receive the donations
Greg said maps went to printer 11-15-07 and will be ready for the December meeting
New Business-
Discussion on the Enbridge pipeline, James Roberts Jr. is the contact person if needed 608-474-0739, 888-275-1682
MMS&C to renew our Blue Ribbon Coalition membership for $100
Discussion on the possibility if establishing a scholarship from CCASC
CCASC to send a thank you letter to LMS Construction for the use of the generator at the grass drags
Upcoming events-
Yellow Thunder fundraiser raffle
Snowmobile Safety class 12-3,7,11,15-07, call 608-348-5029 to sign up
MMS&C to adjourn at 8:32pm
Respectfully submitted
Gary Schoppenhorst, Secretary CCASC
Published: November 19th, 2007