Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
Ccasc October Newsletter

Columbia County Association of Snowmobile Clubs

Meeting minutes for October 23, 2008

John Falter called the meeting to order at 7:44pm

Clubs Present: Arlington, Cambria, Columbus Fall River, Doylestown, Rocky Run, Winnebago, Yellow Thunder

Clubs absent: Camper Country, New Haven, Randolph

MMS&C to approve the secretary’s report from September 25, 2008

MMS&C to approve the treasurer’s report stating a balance of $10,498.76 as of 10-23-08

Debs report: Deb says there is not a lot going on right now. The committee is working on busses for the convention and the routes. Work shop is this weekend and Miss Snow Flake contest at Stevens Point.

Al Kaltenberg: Talked about accurate documentation of grooming, trail maintenance, putting in and taking out of the trail as well as all paperwork properly filled out. Al is willing to do a refresher on proper procedures for filling out the packets. Al needs everyone’s landowners list by December and a copy of every clubs insurance policy. The CCASC thanks Al for all the hard work he puts in at the county level.

Old Business: John Falter will submit info to the Portage paper on the scholarship winner. Need applications in for next year. Map updates and new ads were due at the October meeting. Club dues are still due from Rocky Run, New Haven, Randolph and Camper Country.

New Business: Fall workshop is coming up October 24, 25, & 26 in Stevens Point. Clubs should seek landowner opinions of the 9 day gun hunt from Christmas to New Years. Gregg mentioned that state legislators are looking at a new tax by taxing any trade in on the sale of cars, trucks or rec. vehicles. Contact your legislator and say no. The Christmas Party is at Dorothy’s Rainbow Inn at Otsego 12-18-08. Scholarship applications can be handed in now.

Upcoming: Yellow Thunder has raffle tickets for sale for 11-14-08, see Gary Tupper. Winnebago grass drags on 10-25-08. Yellow Thunder and Portage snowmobile safety classes will be held the first two weeks in December.

MMS&C to adjourn at 9:01 pm

Respectfully submitted-Gary Schoppenhorst, Secretary CCASC

Published: October 26th, 2008
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