Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
Ccasc February Newsletter

Columbia County Association of Snowmobile Clubs

Meeting minutes for February meeting

(Held on 3-5-09)

John Falter called the meeting to order at 7:43 pm

Clubs Present: Arlington, Cambria, Columbus Fall River, Doylestown, Rocky Run, Winnebago, Yellow Thunder

Clubs absent: Camper Country, Randolph and New Haven

MMS&C to approve the secretary’s report from January 22, 2008

MMS&C to approve the treasurer’s report stating a balance of $8499.94 as of 2-26-09

Debs report: (Given by Mike) We are looking to get as many people as possible to Madison on 3-26-09. A bus will leave from Johnson Sales at 9:30am (be there by 9:00) returning at 2:00pm. Mike handed out Directors meeting minutes from the January meeting. A handout was also given on issues to talk to your legislators about at the capital on 3-26-09. MMS&C to pay $200-$250 for a bus to the capital. Gary will get an e-mail out to the county group for them to forward to their members to see if anyone else can go on the bus.

Al’s report: Al gave out a handout for proper rates for the maintenance packets. Packets are due back 6-1-09. Only use the new lists for rates.

Youth: Trevor reported the youth held a ride on 1-31-09 with 8 riders. They are planning to form a youth club. MMS&C to pay for the pizza they had on their ride. An upcoming bowling party is planned.

Old Business: Naming of the snowmobile park was tabled for now. Mike talked about the upcoming convention in March and the need to have volunteers sign up to help at the hospitality room (#3001) and bus poker runs. All but one location has clubs signed up for activities to be held on the bus run which will be all afternoon, 12:30 to 4:30, keep the activities simple. CCASC scholarship apps. are due by 3-31-09. New Haven paid their dues for 09 & 10. Randolph owes $25 yet for 09 and invoices were given out for next years dues to all the clubs present with the others to be mailed.

New Business: John brought an estimate for next years map printing costs which stayed the same as last time. MMS&C to leave the map ads price the same as last year. MMS&C to elect Deb Levey the county director. MMS&C to elect Steve Pate the county rep. MMS&C to cover directors expenses at $600. MMS&C to move March county meeting to 3-31-09, time and place to stay the same.

Club News and Events: Convention weekend is 3-27&28&29-09, help needed. Yamafest at Cascade Mountain, sponsored by Johnson Sales is 3-28&29-09 as well. This is also the hill climb races.

MMS&C to adjourn

Respectfully submitted-Gary Schoppenhorst, Secretary CCASC


(Bring a snack if you would like to celebrate the end of another snowmobile season)

Published: March 7th, 2009
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