Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
Sept Ccasc Newsletter

CCASC Meeting Minutes

September 23rd, 2010


The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm by President Gary Tupper. Six clubs were present with Cambria, Camper Country, Doylestown, and Randolph being absent.

MMSP to approve the minutes of the August 28th, 2010 meeting at Marv and Betty Telvick’s. Some corrections were made.

MMSP to approve the financial report as presented showing a balance of $7, 947.69

County Liaison Report – Al is still looking for 2010-2011 Contracts from clubs. So far (as of when he prepared his report) he has contracts from Arlington, Doylestown, Cambria, and Columbus. Please get these to him as soon as possible. He also needs contact list from all clubs except Arlington and Columbus. A new list of emergency contacts also needs to be done. The last updated list was from 2008. This is not just for the winter time emergencies. It is an emergency contact list for all year including tornados, floods, etc. For supplement grooming, the first set of audits have been done. So far we are down to $11,000 minus the pro-rate which is $0.10 on the dollar. 3 or 4 audits will still be done. There is a good chance that we may not see this supplemental until next year, if at all. Clubs should keep in mind not to spend a lot of money as we are not sure how much we will be getting.

No AWSC Report was given as Director Deb Levey was absent.

No Youth Report was given as Youth Rep Trevor Levey was absent.

Old Business-

A. Memorial Park- Pictures were passed around of Memorial Park. Please let Steve Pate know 1st meeting dates for clubs so he can get the sign for this made up.

B. Maps on hand- Greg Johnson has about 7 ½ cases of the new maps (2010-2011) and 2 or 3 cases of expired maps, John Falter currently has 3 cases of maps, and Rocky Run has about 1 ½ cases. Kramer Printing out of Westport has not been contacted yet for prices. The old maps should go out first before the new ones, although we are sending out the new maps to businesses who have new artwork. John will call to get new prices with no changes to be made and will have those numbers at the next meeting. A ½ order from 2008 (roughly 6000 maps) was $2132.16 and last year for 12000 maps was $4251.

C. Miss Snowflake contestants- We are still looking for contestants. Alison Marquardt from Arlington club is a possibility. Arlington club will check with her if she would be willing.

New Business-

A. American Transmission Company (ATC) proposed a 150 mile line from La Crosse to Dane County. This could affect clubs and trails in Columbia County (Winnebago, Rio, Arlington, Yellow Thunder, and Rocky Run). Donna sent out an email regarding this proposal. A meeting will be held in Portage at Grace Bible Church at 2939 Hwy CX on October 7th, 2010.

B. An envelope was mailed to John Falter from Best Friends of Wisconsin thanking the club for donations at Christmas time.

C. The Raffle License is due in November. It was debated whether we would renew the license or not. At a meeting last year it was decided we would do it every other year, as the off years we would do new maps. This year would be the year for the raffle. It was decided that we would do it this year.

Club News and Events-

A. Yellow Thunder $10.00 Raffle November 9th 8:00 pm Fitz’s on the Lake. There were about 300 tickets for sale to start.

B. Fall Fling- Arlington Prairie Drifters October 22nd $60 per couple for tickets.

C. Fall Bash- Columbus/Fall River October 16th at the Bowling Alley in Columbus. Tickets are $20/each.

D. Skidoo Promotion- $10 cash for each member of snowmobile clubs who fills out form and returns to Skidoo dealership. Forms passed out by Gary Schoppenhorst.

E. Pancake Breakfast February 13th, 2011 for Rocky Run Riders at Pardeeville School.

F. Gary Schoppenhorst and Winnebago club has a fundraiser going. High quality nuts and other goodies for sale. Needs to be turned in by October 23rd.

Next meeting- October 28th, 2010 at Crestwood Inn N6215 Hwy 51 near Portage. Phone number 608-742-6333.

Published: November 5th, 2010
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