Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
December Ccasc Newsletter

CCASC Meeting Minutes

December 16th, 2010

Dorothy’s Rainbow

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm by President Gary Tupper. Eight clubs were present with New Haven and Randolph being absent.

MMSP to approve the minutes from the November 18th, 2010 meeting at Mo Jo’s.

MMSP to approve the financial report as presented showing an ending balance of $6,265.46

County Liaison Report from Al Kaltenberg –Contracts from Randolph are still missing. We need to try to get them going with this. They are currently not insured as of the meeting. Maintenance contracts were handed out to those clubs with members present. Al has copies of the scholarships applications for anyone who needed or wanted them. Drew from Columbia County Tourism is planning to attend the January meeting to discuss any help he can give us. It was requested to add him to the email list for the meeting minutes. As for supplemental we are at 50% of what we applied for but there is still a chance we may not get any. Nothing else to report from Al.

The AWSC Report was given by Director Deb Levey. There will be a Director’s Meeting the first weekend in January. No other AWSC updates.

The Youth Report was given by youth rep Trevor Levey. Only one youth, Trevor Brozek, interested in becoming a second youth rep contacted Trevor.

Old Business-

A. Memorial Park- Gregg Johnson filled in for Steve Pate as he was absent at this time in the meeting. Gregg presented a sample of the aluminum plaques being made. The cost of them is $50. Contact Steve or Gregg if interested. A photo of the sign for the park was handed around. Any errors, omissions, or additions should be brought to Steve or Gregg’s attention to be fixed. Any donations for the park would be greatly appreciated.

B. Web Page- Joyce Jansen was thanked for her great job on the new CCASC webpage. Everyone is very pleased with the way it turned out. Joyce also created a Facebook page under the name Columbia County Association of Snowmobile Clubs. If anyone has anything they would like added to the webpage, they should contact Joyce with this information. Great job Joyce!

C. No updates on the trail to Merrimac.

D. Donna White still has American Council of Snowmobiles calendars for sale to anyone interested. The cost is $20.

New Business-

A. Safety Classes- Columbus/Fall River will be holding their classes in January. January 4th will be the first class and the rest of the dates to follow. Class size is limited to 15.

B. New Youth Representative- Tyler Brozek was elected as a second youth representative to Trevor.

C. Trails-

a. Doylestown to Rio is closed until further notice.

b. Trail 34 from Pardeeville to Cambria will be closed for the holiday hunt from December 24th to January 9th.

c. Pardeville Lake has not marked yet for safety reasons.

d. Trail 52 from Poynette and Lake Wisconsin, from intersection 38 to 45 is closed. Trail 49 from Cty CS Intersection 47, north to intersection 77 that goes to Hookers and connects with 13/15 towards Portage is closed. These trails were shut down due to snowmobilers not staying on the trails. There is no resolution as of right now but hopefully by the weekend we can find a way around. As of now, running the road is okay. Signs are in the process of being made informing snowmobilers of these trail closures.

Club News and Events-

A. Chili Feed February 12th, 2011 for Rocky Run Riders on Trail 15 from 10-4pm. Donations appreciated.

B. Pancake Breakfast February 13th, 2011 for Rocky Run Riders at Pardeeville School.

C. Pancake Breakfast on January 30th, 2011 for Doylestown at the Casino Supper Club from 8:30-12:30pm.

D. 40th Anniversary for Columbus/Fall River on Sunday January 16th on Trail 60 from 12-3. There will be a bonfire, hot dogs, hot cocoa, and other items. A Porta-Potty will be available. Donations appreciated.

E. Soup dump February 12th, 2011 for Cambria on Trail 27, south of Cambria between Cty G and Hwy 146 from 12-5pm. Encouraged to bring a can of soup to dump in the pot.

F. 3rd Annual Dice Run January 6th-22nd for Rio/Camper Country. Posters are out at local businesses. 21 stops in the Pardeeville, Poynette, Rio, Fall River, etc. areas. End point is Dorothy’s Rainbow Inn, Otsego on January 22nd at 6 pm. Paddle wheel and prizes. $10.00 entry fee with 60% payout.

G. $50 Raffle February 19th, 2011 for Yellow Thunder in Rocksbury.

H. KD’s Bar and Grill in Lodi- ½ price drink if you bring a non-perishable food item.

I. Columbus/Fall River Raffle- $10, 300 tickets.

J. Dane County Easter Seals tickets- $20- 1st prize $1000, 2nd prize 40” TV- February 5th t the Red Mouse- Pine Bluff.

K. Statewide Poker Run- tickets available at KD’s, Hooty’s, Thirsty’s, etc. Over 50 stops. More information in the Saddle Tramp magazine or on their website

Next meeting- January 27th, 2011 at Northern Edge, N1430 Hwy 113 in Lodi.

MMSP to adjourn at 8:20 pm

Respectfully submitted- Katie Dolato (CCASC secretary)

Published: January 8th, 2011
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