Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
Wrr Feb Newsletter

The club ride took place the weekend of January 27th. Friday started out
with 18 sleds and 19 people . We put on 75 miles with the trails in fair to
good condition. Saturday we gained 7 more sleds and put on 80 miles for the
day. A great turnout and a good time was had by all.

The club will be purchasing 5 raffle calendars from the American Snowmobile
Association giving us a chance to win prizes everyday of the year. It was
also decided to donate $50.00 to the Columbia County Youth Group. The club
also voted on donating $150.00 to the Columbia County Humane Society and Steve
will look into the club underwriting the Portage 4th of July parade.

It was discussed on having a Saturday afternoon meeting at the groomer shed
along with a cookout. We will decide at the March meeting.

CLUB MEMBERSHIP Did you renew your membership?
Please send your renewal fee of $20.00 per family to Steve Pate
N6838 Boyd DR. Pardeeville, WI 53954.

NEWSLETTER Please make sure I have your email
address. You can email me at


Club Meeting @ The Wheel 7:30
March 5th

President Zan Faul 225-3848
Vice President Doug Baerwolf 697-0567
Treasurer Steve Pate 742-6352
Secretary Sue Mootz 697-2670

Club Website County Hotline 608-227-

Published: February 15th, 2012
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Copyright 2007 Winnebago Ridgerunners Snowmobile Club | Graphics Provided by: Marshland Graphics Design, LLC W3046 County Road Y, Lomira, WI 53048