CCASC Meeting Minutes
October 24, 2013
Thirsty Moose
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Dan Nieman. 7 clubs were present with Camper Country, Columbus/Fall River, and New Haven being absent.
MMSP to approve the minutes from the September 21, 2013 meeting as written.
MMSP to approve the financial report as presented showing an ending balance of $8,348.38.
The County Liaison Report was given by Al Kaltenberg. He stated that all clubs need proof of insurance documents sent to him to be filed with the County.
The Director’s Report was given by John Brozek.
• CAP/STEP is still in progress; there are 2 proposals pending
• We are looking for CCASC Youth Representatives from our local clubs
Destiny Anhalt from Arlington Prairie Drifters is interested
Rio Camper Country Club has not cashed their trail maintenance check. It should be cashed ASAP.
MMSP to renew our Lake States Resources Membership of $100.00.
Destiny Anhalt from Arlington Prairie Drifters will participate in the Miss Snowflake Pageant for Columbia County. MMSP to pay one night of hotel accommodations and registration for the up-coming AWSC Workshop (Nov 1-3, 2013).
A Thank You card was received from the Portage Food Pantry for our donation.
Discussion was held on individual clubs in Columbia County working together if groomer problems, etc. come up.
The new Corrider 11, f/k/a Trail 27, needs to be marked with the new Corrider signs.
Steve Pate thanked everyone for their support and for the help from CCASC for the Harold LeJeune Snowmobile Park. He noted there is still more room for additional plaques.
He also wondered about holding a “Swap Meet” for clothing and parts, etc. After discussion, it was decided it is too late for this year, but clubs should discuss it for up-coming years; and reps can report back with ideas.
The 2013-2014 Meeting Schedule was finished. Meetings start at 7:30pm.
• November 21, 2013 meeting will be held at Club 60, W2164 Hwy 60, Columbus
• December 19, 2013 meeting will be held at Johnson Sales, N1255 US Hwy 51, Arlington
6pm Cocktails/6:30pm Potluck Dinner (Also bring donations for Food Pantry)
• January 23, 2014 meeting will be held at Otsego Yacht Club, W3408 Hwy 16, Otsego
• February 27, 2014 meeting will be held at Kelly’s Bar, W11794 Concord Rd, Randolph
• March 27, 2014 meeting will be held at Mojo’s 129 W. Edgewater, Cambria
Rio and Yellow Thunder need to turn in their respective map ads; and any changes to trails also need to be turned in.
Non-Resident Trail Passes will be available at Johnson Sales.
Our CCASC snowmobile map is available in PDF format on our website.
The following trails have issues to be dealt with:
• Richards Road, connects Lodi with Arlington
• River Road into Harmony Grove, may change to County V
• Corridor 34 from Cambria to Pardeeville will have gates closed for deer hunting season
• Pardeeville to Wyocena will be closed for deer hunting season
• Wyocena to Rio will be closed for deer hunting season
To comment on the DNR Deer Hunt Trustee Report go to: (comment dates 10/14 – 11/8, 2014)
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 21, 2013 at Club 60.
Up-Coming Events
November 2, 2013 Portage Grass Drags
November 8, 2013 Arlington Prairie Drifters Fall Fling
November 11, 2013 Drawing for Yellow Thunder $10 Raffle
January 26, 2014 Pancake Breakfast at Casino 8:30am – 1pm
February 9, 2014 Rocky Run Breakfast at Pardeeville High School 8am - noon
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Kim Johnson.
Published: November 4th, 2013