Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
Ccasc Nov Newsletter
CCASC Meeting Minutes November 21, 2013 Club 60 The meeting was called to order by President Mike Levey. 8 clubs were present with Camper Country and New Haven being absent. MMSP to approve the minutes from the October 24, 2013 meeting as written. MMSP to approve the financial report as presented showing an ending balance of $11.436.38. The Director’s Report was given by John Brozek. He attended the AWSC Workshop Nov 1-3 at Stevens Point. Following are highlights: • SnowGoer magazine will give $5 to AWSC for every subscription and/or renewal. • DNR had 2 guest speakers. They are changing to bring in technology, such as an app for regulations, etc. • Discussion on out of state trail passes. Possibly issuing temporary passes, mailing passes to destination, etc. • Website changes progressing – resizing for smart phones. • AWSC Convention will be in Green Bay at Hyatt (800)236-3330 on March 28-30, 2014. • CAP/STEP is still in progress; we need to contact our local legislators in favor of program. • ACSA calendars are available $20 with daily drawings. AWSC makes $5 for each calendar sold. • Holiday Deer Hunt 12/24/13 – 1/4/14 (south of Hwy 64) will cause trail problems. • Reminder to use AWSC website before calling the office. • 2013-2014 Miss Snowflake is Chelsea Popp. She is from Monroe County. Contact her at (Clubs pay $.50/mile) • Youth Reps raised $1053 from a Silent Auction and a Yoga Fund for the scholarship fund. • Clubs are asked to send a snowmobile ornament to the state capital for the Christmas tree. • Send to: Claire Franz, DOA/Division of Facilities Mgmt, 17 West Main St., Suite 119, Madison WI 53703. • AWSC Scholarships $1500/$1000/$1000, plus a new one for continuing education. The County Liaison Report was given by Al Kaltenberg. He stated that all clubs need proof of insurance documents sent to him to be filed with the County. He also needs proof of insurance from each club. Our Guest Speaker was DNR Conservation Warden Ryan Volenberg. He stated he wants to work with us on trail issues. Clubs can contact him for trail trespassing issues. OLD BUSINESS The work on the new County Trail Map is in progress. There were a few revisions. Also a reminder for local clubs to work together on trail issues and/or grooming. NEW BUSINESS MMSP to appoint Destiny Anhalt from Arlington Prairie Drifters as a Youth Representative. She is looking for additional youths to work with her. Thank you to Tyler Brozek for the past years as our Youth Rep. Destiny ran for Miss Snowflake at AWSC Workshop. She was the youngest contestant and plans to compete again next year. The Holiday Deer Hunt is causing problems with opening trails in our county. MMSP to have Donna White comment to DNR Secretary regarding this issue. Our next meeting is our Christmas Party. It will be held at Johnson Sales (N1255 US Hwy 51, Arlington) on Thursday, December 19, 2013 at 6:00pm. Please bring a dish to pass for the potluck and your dinnerware. CCASC will provide soda and beer. Also bring canned goods for our Food Pantry donation. REMINDER: It is very important that clubs report to Gregg Johnson on the status of their trails!! Contact him at (608)635-7381 work; (608)635-2533 home; (608)630-4864 cell; or at Donna White has ACSA Calendars available to sell for $20. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted by Kim Johnson, Secretary.
Published: November 22nd, 2013
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