CCASC Meeting
December 17, 2015
Johnson Sales
The meeting was called to order by President Gary Tupper with nine clubs present. New Haven was absent.
DNR Wardens Ryan Volenberg and Brandon Lease were in attendance to discuss the new trail pass and answer any questions. Need to have new trail pass in a spot where it is easy for wardens to see. Would like to have it put on the center lower part of the windshield. It is roughly a $200 fine for not having the trail pass. Do not wait until you are ready to go riding to order your trail passes.
Call them if you are having any issues on the trails (trespassing, etc.). They are here to help us if we want added enforcement on any trails.
MMSP to approve the secretary’s report.
MMSP to approve the treasurer’s report with a balance of $. We had 10,000 maps printed for $and we took in $ in revenue from map ads.
AWSC Report- Scholarship applications need to be in the AWSC office by January 7th- not just postmarked by that date.
ASCA calendars are still available for $20 and AWSC raffle tickets are $100
At the last Blue Mounds State Park meeting there was lots of opposition to the snowmobile trail going through, but it looks positive that we could be allowed to. We need to keep on top of any meetings and have attendance to show how important it is.
County Liaison report-Need grooming contracts and land use agreements handed in. Harley will mail the packet to New Haven.
Old Business- County maps are done and are available. We also received fifty laminated maps. All map ads are paid for. New map is also on the county website- it is available if anyone wants to put it on club sites as well.
Workshop is scheduled for October 28-30 at Chula Vista and we are contemplating doing a hospitality room. Columbus-Fall River and Yellow Thunder discussed it with their clubs and have offers of help. We need help from ALL of the clubs to make it successful.
Yellow Thunder had 27 kids and Winnebago had 17 kids go through their safety course.
New Business-Thank you to everyone who brought donations for the food pantries. All collected tonight will be split up between Poynette, Portage and Riverhaven.
Most clubs still have issues with corn standing in the way of their trails.
Upcoming events-
Columbus Fall River White Elephant Sale – January 26, 2016 at Kelly’s Bar.
Doylestown Pancake Breakfast- January 31, 2016 Casino Supper Club 8-12.
Rocky Run Pancake Breakfast- February 14, 2016 Pardeeville High School 8-12
Camper Country Lucky 7 cash Raffle - February 20, 2016 at Club 60 at 7 pm
Yellow Thunder $50 raffle- Dorf Haus in Roxbury
Arlington still has Bucky Books available for $30 ea.
Next CCASC meeting is January 28, 2016 at Lucky’s on the Lake
Respectfully submitted,
Norri Brozek
Published: January 19th, 2016