CCASC Meeting Minutes
Theater Bar in Rio
October 27, 2016
The meeting was called to order by President Mike Levey with nine clubs present.
New Haven was absent.
The secretary’s minutes were read and approved
The treasurer’s report was read and approved with and ending balance of $2,524.33
AWSC workshop to be held on October 29th at Chula Vista Resort. Eight hospitality rooms available this year. Cost at the door for workshop is $20. Note: participants must be registered to attend hospitality rooms. Activities at workshop include silent auction for scholarship fund, and costume dance.
Blue Mound State Park is looking for signature to allow snowmobiles to enter the State Park. Looking for 1,000 signatures to approve online petition. Silent sport group has been rallying against this petition. Columbia County members have been encouraged to get the word out to community club members for support.
Great Sauk Trail sent the DNR to take ownership of the bridge crossing the Wisconsin River. High waters have been causing the bridge to move. There has been some concern over the integrity of the current bridge. Options to bi-pass this bridge include using the Highway 60 bridge which would require travel over several miles of pavement. DNR is currently looking for options that provide safe way to cross the Wisconsin River.
Old Business
Money for scholarship was sent in. There was a continuation of discussion for plans for the hospitality room. Members provided donated items to bring to hospitality room. There was an open invite extended to county and club members to attend the fall conference and hospitality room.
There has been mention that Wisconsin trails will need to be marked by GPS in 2017. However, there has been no instruction on how to complete this at this time. Rationale for this decision included verifying exact number of funded miles. This motion has been supported by the governor. There was discussion within the group stating there may be a smart phone app that can be used to GPS trails.
There was brief discussion regarding online maintenance reports and standardized location to enter information.
More Columbia County Hotline signs were distributed at meeting.
New Business
Jessica from Wisconsin Visitors Bureau requested additional maps. Gary is bringing additional maps to workshop for table, hospitality room and Visitors Bureau.
Reminder was made to members to keep club financial information confidential.
Harley has work packets for County. Reminder, land ease agreements should also go to Harley. Trail grooming contracts should get singed and sent to Harley.
Club Activities
12/15/2016 - Club meeting and Christmas Party at Johnson Sales
2/04/201 - Dane County Easter Seals Blizzard Bash at the Comfort Inn in DeForest. Tickets available from Gary.
2/12/201 - Rocky Run Pancake Breakfast 8a to 12 noon
Next Meeting:
November 17 , 2016 at Otsego Yacht Club
Meeting adjourned.
Published: December 4th, 2016